Monday, February 15, 2010


I have been so freakin' cranky.

Am I not eating enough cals? Been lovin' on the veggies. Some cheese, some nuts, some chicken, minimal whole grains, what else is there?

Today I didn't even lick the caramel off my finger after opening some caramel sauce for Cade for dipping his apples in. What's happening to me?

I think I have realized a few things already from this sugar cleanse.
1. I HATE being restricted and constrained.
2. Sugar makes me happy I think.
3. I really NEED a diet coke.
4. I can't wait for 21 days to be up!


keeter said...

Wow ~ you go woman!! This is such a difficult task...I TOTALLY hear you on the sugar thing...I am ADDICTED to say the least (I'm eating raw cookie dough out of the costco sized tub as I'm typing this if that gives you a clue.) I'm seriously thinking of following your lead ~ no joke.

Sandy said...

okay I don't know who keeter is, but it's really me Sandy. I think my friend was signed in on my computer :-)

Apron Appeal said...

Welcome to "the wall". You can do this, I think at this point, I was eating 1/2 as much as I was before the sugar ban. I even bought a blood sugar meter to keep tabs on everything. I should get back to it.

Whit said...

Ummm... good luck dude.

And Sandy - I put money on it that you don't do this. Ha.

kidding kind of.

{I have no kind of restraint when it comes to something "I need" to put into my mouth.}

Andrea Weaver said...

I'm laughing so hard! Diet coke would be the hardest part for me!