Saturday, January 3, 2009

The mind of a 3 year old... and his father

Just the other night we were playing a new cute game called "The Take Out Family Dinner Box of Questions" and I just had to document some of Cade's memorable responses and one particular comment of Scott's (Thanks for the game, Cheryl- we love it)!


What is your favorite family activity?

Cade's response: The Baby Jesus. (No matter how many times we tried to repeat the question, Cade always had the same response- seems activity means NATIVITY to him no matter what.)

What do you like most about the person to your right?
My response: Since Cade was sitting to my right- I said when looking at him- "Your smile."
Cade's response: He apparently thought I was to his right because he looked at me and said, "Your heart, Mommy." (My heart about melted.)

If there is one rule you would change, what would it be and why?

Cade's response: Going to bed. After some prompting from Scott on elaborating on his response, he decided that he would change it so he would never have to go to bed. Ever. It's just too much fun to be awake.

What is your biggest fear?

Cade's response: A wolf.
My response: Having someone in my family get hurt.
Scott's response: Having too many kids!

I say- You must face your fears in the face! Needless to say, Scott will have this opportunity in about a month and a half! And if I get my way, another couple years later too! Ha!

How 'bout a family pic too-