Thursday, May 7, 2009

Colt's fave new game

Colton has been loving the game "Simon says" lately! I just had to capture it! Oh- and guess what his favorite word is? MO! I mean NO!


Happy Hastings' said...

So cute!!! Can't wait to play Simon Says in June:)

Naomi said...

Oh my GOODNESS. That is just adorable. I can hardly stand it! Why do I not think to play that game with Brody? So cute.

Sandy said...

I love the's so cute! Laynie is absolutely adorable :-) It's crazy to see how much she looks like your boys, but in a VERY feminine and girly way. Miss you guys!

Doc said...

I don't know what is more funny? Colt's behavior or your response! So cute, Mandy!