That's right. As most of you know, Mandy turned 30 on Dec. 3rd. I had this post ready to go on the actual night of her birthday, but had technical difficulties which postponed it until tonight. Sorry Sweetie! Computers have always gotten the best of me. It's nice to finally have someone to share my 30's with.
This is the birthday girl striking a pose in our first official snow for the year in Kalamazoo. She said she always wished for snow on her birthday when she was growing up. Another thing she has also mentioned always wanting to do which she mentioned again this weekend was being a dancer in an MTV video! If anyone has any connections out there, let us know. I can vouch for her dancing skills. I've seen her break dance on multiple occasions-- one of which won us a dance contest! One thing you will never see me win is a cake decorating contest. Sad but true, this is the cake I baked for the big 3-0. Of course, Mandy tried to tell me that it looked good. Our family tradition is to eat birthday cake first thing in the morning so we all woke up to chocolate cake with caramel icing and Milk Duds and Kit Kats sprinkled on top. Makes for a tough day! Tasted pretty good but I learned that frosting doesn't spread real well on a hot cake.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Looking Good for 30!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A kiss and breakfast with Santa
Today my cup just about runneth over.
My children. Oh how they melt my heart to the core.
This morning, Colt woke up next to me (yes, we have the family bed goin' on most nights) and noticed that Cade had already gotten up with his daddy and they were downstairs. So, he said to me, "I get up now, Mommy." I said okay and he got off the bed and went towards the door- it was shut so I helped him open it then I went back to lay down. He walked out the door then turned back around and climbed up on the bed and said to me, "Wait, I not give you a kiss yet." "And hug." I was instantly mush. He then gave me a kiss and hug and then went downstairs.
Later in the day, we had breakfast with Santa. This was arranged by the library here in town. Cade was so excited and had written Santa a letter- which he wrote the entire letter but just had me tell him how to spell the words. He was so proud of it. However, at the breakfast, Santa wasn't really eating the breakfast just the parents and kids. Cade wanted to know why- he had come to have BREAKFAST with Santa. So he asked him and Santa gave him some lame reply to which Cade followed up with question after question and led to, "Where is your sleigh Santa?" Santa told Cade that his sleigh was on top of the roof, but that he could make it invisible but that when Cade left that he should call up to the reindeer and sometimes if you listened closely enough they would reply back. Well, after Cade left Santa alone and started to eat his breakfast, I noticed him start to panic. I was like, what's wrong? Cade saw Santa get up like he was leaving and he was. Cade jumped up and said, "Come on, Mommy, come on!" It finally dawned on me, Cade wanted to run outside to call up to the reindeer before Santa left. So we rushed outside, and Cade called up to the reindeer atleast 4 times, and all the while I kept saying I heard a jingle. Nevertheless he was disappointed because he could not see or hear the reindeer. All I have to say is that this kid is special. He has so much heart. And he wears it on his sleeve.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Miss Layne at 9 months
Miss Layne is 9 months old tomorrow! I cannot believe it! Time flies. She is a ray of sunshine. She is such a sweet girl. She has 7 teeth now! She wants to walk (see video)!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
For Real?
Some things my children have been saying lately I just had to document:
1. I was trying to put Laynie down for a nap and our front door was open with just the screen/glass door closed and I heard Cade sneak out- I was furious as he knows he is not to go outside without me because we live on a busy road- I ran downstairs and he tried to sneak back in when I said rather loudly, "Cade, you are not to go outside by yourself!" Cade- "Mommy, I was not by myself (shouting back at me), Jesus was with me!" Me- "Cade, you need an adult with you outside!" Cade-"Mommy, Jesus is an adult!" I could not win that argument. Just remember to always shut both doors from now on.
2. After a 10am playdate at a friends then another one at 11am at the park followed by lunch at Q-doba, then waiting 3 HOURS in line to get the H1N1 vaccine, Cade said this eagerly and excitedly on the way out to the parking lot- "Mommy, what are we going to do next?" He was dead serious. I, on the other hand, felt like I had just completed an Ironman with no water. Apparently, he actually was exhausted as he fell asleep at 5:30 on the way home and slept until 6:45am the next day.
3. The same day as we were getting buckled in the car leaving the health department, Cade said, "Mommy, we had such a good day, I didn't throw any tantrums!" To which I replied, "I know Cade, you guys were awesome today, thank you!" This is the kicker- then Cade replied, "But mommy, the day isn't over yet!" "Wow" was all I could think.
4. Colt on the way home the same day, "I run ewands, mommy! No go home!" about 5 times. Translation- I run errands, mommy! Seriously? That did make me crack a smile though.
5. Cade at Target when I was selectively listening as I was trying to hurry through with all three kids- "Mommy, how many times do I have to tell you- I have to go to the bathroom!"
6. Colt when he woke up from his nap the other day, "Mommy, where Punkin bwead?" (pumpkin bread is what Scott calls Laynie)
7. Cade in the car totally out of the blue- just looking out the window, "Daddy, what happens at the end of all the days?" Scott- "We all go to heaven." Cade- "When was the very first day, daddy?" Scott- "A long, long time ago, Cade."
8. At Cade's trike-a-thon for preschool- they asked what he wanted on his face for the face painting- "A michigan M!" he said. I swear I didn't tell him to say that. Although I will not deny that he is brainwashed already. He calls his green pants, his Michigan State pants, and always asks if he's allowed to wear those. Green- fine. Red- well, we don't own any. Coincidence- I'll let you decide.
9. Colt today when he woke up from his nap and I was not there- Scott was working from home- Colt was crying for me, went back to his room, then finally came down ten minutes later to which he told Scott, "My mommy be home soon, daddy."
10. Cade tonight while swimming at my sister's athletic club asked her, "Aunt Jamie, do you go to church?" Aunt Jamie said, "No Cade, not right now." Cade-"Why not?" Aunt Jamie- "You got me, Cade." I asked Cade what made him think of asking that and he just said, "I thought everyone went to church, mommy." Missionary in training?
Cade at his trike-a-thon for preschool- he was on a mission!
A Sunday afternoon at the park! We love fall!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Colton!
-Is talking up a storm- fave things to say: "where cade?", "me too", "okay, mom/dad"
-Loves to do anything his big brother does- and HAS to do it or throws an absolute fit!
-Is non-stop, always have to be watching him or your house could burn down or a trip to the ER awaits- very curious and daring!
-Still has a high-pitched screech that'll pierce your ears- his nickname is Taradactyl (sp?)
-Has an interesting appetite- doesn't like pizza, spaghetti, bread, mac n cheese, but loves eating breakfast for all three meals
-Will melt your heart in a second with his sweet sweet smile and his spirit for life!
WE love you, Colton!
Waking him up with cake, he loved it!